Friday, April 15, 2011

Hockney Inspired Poetry

I piece her together,

Try to capture every component,

The warmth of the resin is deeply rooted a reflection her family tree,

When she looks at me,

I look into them and see our history together,

As long as each strand of her flowing hair,

If she ever cuts it short I’ll carry this image with me,

Until it’s growth reflects our relationship,

Hours into days, days into months, months into years,

Watching her lying there every morning,

Serene, rays of light slowly, tenderly kissing her skin,

Just like each image does,

Never intrusive, ever elusive giving to get what it wants,

Capturing the soul of a moment only to release it,

Watching it float past consciousness to find rest on her breast,

Recalled emotional imagery as real as the heart beat they cover,

She consumes it to satisfy her hunger for a companion,

Call me a four course lover,

Starting with appetizing imagery,

Pouring warm words through her soul,

She sips cautiously,

Trying to cool down the warmth experienced,

Sometimes blowing too hard so that words will turn cold,

But cool heads prevail cleaning the bitter palette of her past with sincerity,

Inciting insatiable appetites for character, connection, and communication,

The legs any body of worth stands on,

Two pillars of trust, only bent and broken when I ask her to pose in awkward positions,

Piecing her together to capture every element of her being,

As she lies there every morning.

Source: thepoetryoflife
I found the jackpot after finding this great poem on tumblr that accompanied this beautiful David Hockney inspired photograph. Both are equally beautiful and made my day. I love art.

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